Hysteria in Noddyland

Slade oriental theatre Milwaulkee 1973


Fans go wild as Slade erupt




SLADEMANIA came to King george's Hall, blackburn last night with all the force of cup final fever. Slade spark the sort of hero worship normally reserved for big names in football. Fans stood in their seats waving Slade scarves and swaying like a Wembley crowd. At one point they even burst into "You'll Never Walk Alone" with encouragement from vocalist Noddy Holder.

Slade oriental theatre Milwaulkee 1973In fact an apt description of the teenyboppers reaction would be "Hysteria In Noddyland". The hall was literally under siege with careful checks on security after a door was forced open. Girls in the audience fainted and had to be carried out, others leapt on stage to hug members of the band.

Slade may not have the universal appeal which the Beatles had for adults, but they evidently have teenage audiences eating out of their hands.



The main ingredient of the show is raucous rock music pumped out at an astonishing 2500 watts. Noddy Holder, who sports a top hat - covered with mirrors - and a red frock coat, has one of the most powerful voices in rock music and, amplified, it's painful on the eardrum.

His line in lewd chatter between numbers would not please Puritans but there is clearly no denying the good humour which Slade create.

Guitarist Dave Hill dressed in silver leather bears the inscription " Super Yob " across his chest. Yes, a night to remember, well, hard to forget with one's eardrums still ringing the next day.



Original article courtesy of George Haworth, Slade In England Lancashire operative